The Top 5 Most Common Lock Problems Locksmiths Encounter: Is Your Home at Risk?

Do you know the top 5 most common lock problems that locksmiths encounter?

If you're a homeowner, you may want to read on as you may be at risk for one or more of these lock issues. From broken keys to malfunctioning smart locks, there are certain problems that can put your safety and security in jeopardy.

To help you be aware and prepared, we've compiled the most frequent lock problems that locksmiths face and what you can do to prevent them.

Broken Keys: How They Happen and What to Do

Broken keys are a common lock problem that locksmiths encounter. They can happen for a variety of reasons, such as wear and tear, a twist in the lock while the key is inserted, or even simply a weak key. Broken keys can be frustrating and dangerous, as they may prevent you from entering or exiting your home in an emergency.

If you encounter a broken key, the first thing you should do is remove any small pieces that may have broken off and are still stuck in the lock. You can use tweezers or a pair of needle-nose pliers to do this. If the key is stuck in the lock and won't budge, applying some lubricant or graphite to the keyhole may help loosen it up.

Once you have removed any broken pieces and/or loosened the key, you may be able to extract it from the lock. A broken key extractor tool is a handy tool to keep on hand for situations like this. If you don't have one, try using a pair of needle-nose pliers to grip the key and gently pull it out.

If you are unable to remove the broken key or fix the lock yourself, it's time to call a professional locksmith. A locksmith can help remove the key and repair or replace the lock as needed. Additionally, a locksmith can help you assess the security of your current locks and recommend upgrades or improvements to help keep your home safe.

Remember, a broken key is not a problem to be ignored. It is important to address it promptly in order to avoid getting locked out of your home and to keep your property and loved ones safe. If you encounter a broken key or any other lock problem, don't hesitate to contact a professional locksmith.

Malfunctioning Mechanical Locks

One of the most common lock problems locksmiths encounter is malfunctioning mechanical locks. Mechanical locks, such as deadbolts and mortise locks, rely on a mechanical mechanism to operate. Over time, the small parts inside the lock can wear down or become misaligned, leading to a lock that doesn't work properly.

If you notice that your lock is becoming increasingly difficult to operate, or if you have to jiggle the key to get it to turn, it's time to call a locksmith. Ignoring a malfunctioning lock can lead to lockouts and even a complete lock failure, leaving your home vulnerable.

Locksmiths can usually repair mechanical lock problems by replacing worn parts or re-aligning the lock mechanism. In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to replace the entire lock. Your locksmith will be able to recommend the best course of action based on the specific problem with your lock.

Regular lock maintenance can also prevent mechanical lock problems from occurring. Lubricating the lock mechanism with a silicone spray can help prevent wear and tear, and checking the alignment of your lock periodically can catch any issues early on.

Don't wait until your lock completely fails to address a malfunctioning mechanical lock. Contact a locksmith at the first sign of trouble to ensure the continued security of your home.

Jammed Deadbolts

One of the most common lock problems that locksmiths encounter is a jammed deadbolt. Deadbolts are essential for securing doors, but they can become jammed due to a variety of reasons. Common causes of a jammed deadbolt include a misaligned strike plate, a warped door, or a rusty lock.

If you find that your deadbolt is jammed, you should not force it open. Doing so can cause further damage to the lock or door. Instead, call a professional locksmith to assess the situation and address the problem correctly. They have the proper tools and knowledge to safely unlock or replace the deadbolt.

To prevent future deadbolt jams, ensure that your lock and door are properly maintained. Regularly clean and lubricate the lock, and ensure that the door hinges are aligned and functioning correctly. If you notice any signs of wear or damage, address these issues promptly to avoid potential lock problems.

Don’t let a jammed deadbolt compromise the security of your home. If you encounter any lock problems, reach out to a professional locksmith for assistance.

Faulty Electronic Locks

Electronic locks have become popular in recent years for their convenience and security. However, like any electronic device, they can develop faults over time. Here are some of the most common electronic lock problems:

1. Battery failure:

Electronic locks are powered by batteries that need to be replaced periodically. When the batteries are low, the lock may not function properly, which can be a security risk. It's important to check the batteries regularly and replace them as needed.

2. Programming issues:

Electronic locks can be programmed with specific codes or synced to a smartphone. If there are programming issues, the lock can become unresponsive or malfunction. A locksmith can help reprogram the lock to get it working properly again.

3. Wiring problems:

In some cases, the wiring that connects the electronic lock to the battery or the main system can become damaged or loose. This can cause the lock to stop functioning altogether or only work sporadically.

4. Mechanical failures:

Electronic locks may have mechanical parts that can also break or malfunction. This can include faulty keypads or motorized parts that control the lock mechanism. A locksmith can diagnose and repair or replace these parts as needed.

5. Hacking:

Electronic locks are vulnerable to hacking, just like any other electronic device. Hackers may be able to bypass the lock by breaking the code or manipulating the system. To prevent this, it's important to choose a high-quality electronic lock and keep it updated with the latest security features. If you're experiencing problems with your electronic lock, don't hesitate to contact a professional locksmith. They can diagnose the problem and provide the necessary repairs or replacements to keep your home safe and secure.

Misaligned Strike Plates: A Common Cause for Lock Issues

One of the most common causes of lock problems that locksmiths encounter is misaligned strike plates. This small but important component plays a crucial role in ensuring the proper functioning of a door lock. A misaligned strike plate can cause a range of issues, from difficulty locking and unlocking doors to completely compromised security.

A strike plate is the metal piece that is attached to the door frame, and it has a small hole through which the latch bolt passes when the door is closed. When a lock is engaged, the bolt extends into the hole in the strike plate, holding the door securely shut.

If the strike plate is misaligned, the latch bolt may not be able to enter the hole or may scrape against the edge of the plate, causing wear and tear that can eventually compromise the locking mechanism. A misaligned strike plate can also cause the bolt to stick, making it difficult to open or close the door.

There are several reasons why a strike plate can become misaligned over time. Common causes include settling or warping of the door frame, screws that have become loose or bent, or simply incorrect installation. Whatever the cause, it is important to address misaligned strike plates as soon as possible to avoid potential security risks.

A professional locksmith can assess the strike plates on your doors and make any necessary adjustments or replacements to ensure that your locks are functioning properly. This can help to prevent potential break-ins and keep your home and family safe.

If you are experiencing lock problems, don't hesitate to contact a locksmith to get to the root of the issue and make any necessary repairs. A minor issue like a misaligned strike plate can quickly become a major security risk, so it's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting your home and valuables.


In conclusion, any problem with your lock could be a sign that your security may be at risk. One should not take mild lock problems lightly as they could lead to fatal consequences. Homeowners should make it a priority to hire a professional locksmith to handle any lock issues promptly and effectively. A professional locksmitsh will always choose the best solution to keep your property and family safe. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the early signs of lock problems to avoid any potential burglary or home invasion. Keep your locks in good condition, and you will have peace of mind knowing that your security is guaranteed.